Sustainable is power, my cleaning activity

Earth is yet the only known habitable planet to science. What makes Earth so unique is its position in the solar system and its environment. Earth's environment comprises four primary realms: the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. An additional domain is a magnetosphere that consists of the Earth's magnetic fields. The four primary components coordinate with one another, and any change in one of them also results in shifts in the others. These constituent units form unique local environments at different places on Earth. In simple words, Earth's environment is a combination of air, water, and land together with the living beings that exist.

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Ways To Help The Environment
There can be many ways to help the environment. However, as they say, "charity begins at home", so self-awareness and personal efforts are the first steps. Sorting of waste, reducing the use of non-recyclable materials, utilizing public transport or carpooling, saving water, diminishing wastage of electricity, buying local food and minimizing its waste, and donating to environmental nonprofit organizations, can be some of the innumerable ways to help nature.

Water Conservation
Water is abundant on the Earth's surface, with over 71% of it on Earth. Nevertheless, the fresh water is less than 2.5% of the total water, and less than 1% is drinkable. Water extraction has increased thrice in the last five decades, and about one-third of the population lives in extreme water scarcity. All of the points above explain the importance of conserving this basic resource. The agriculture and industry sectors are the largest water consumers, with over 90% of the total consumption.

Small things like a leaking faucet can waste 128 liters of water per day. Therefore, reducing food waste and minimizing the use of industrial products are important steps toward water conservation. Other water conservation measures include

minimizing the shower time (to less than 5 minutes),
consuming a more plant-based diet,
turning off the faucet while brushing teeth,
installing rainwater harvesting systems, and
instantly repairing leaking taps and faucets.
Recycle, Reuse, and Compost
Reduce, reuse and recycle is the famous phrase that means reduce the use of materials, reuse them whenever possible, and recycle them if they can be. Here are some steps to follow the three 'R's.

Reduce the use of new materials, single-use materials like some form of plastics, tissue papers, etc.
Reuse and repurpose things like grocery bags, clothes, glass, and wood. Increase consumption of second-hand things and limit the purchase of new products.
Encourage the purchase of recyclable items like cardboard, glass, or paper, and put them in recycle bin to prevent them from going to the landfill.
