Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Vruz's Martyr is very powerful


Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game with interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. This week is about a great fight where Vruz was a great card because of Martyr.

Featured Card

Vruz is a dragon splinter that costs 2 mana. This card starts off with sneak ability. It learns martyr at level 5 and true strike at level 10. I have this card at level 5 so it has martyr and the low cost makes it ideal in many of my lineups.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The ruleset this time is Up to Eleven and Aimless. This means that all monsters gain the amplify and scatter shot ability. There are 31 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, earth, life, or dragon splinter.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Helios Matriarch6Summoner+1 speed and gladiator
Pelacor Mercenary71stFlying and Heal
Queen Mycelia42ndProtect
Uraeus33rdSneak and Poison
Vruz24thSneak and Martyr
Katrelba Gobson65thBloodlust, Sneak, Double Strike and Snare
Fungus Flinger36thMartyr and Blind
Total Mana:31

I use Helios Matriarch as my summoner because I wanted to use dragon cards and it allows me to use a gladiator. I use Pelacor Mercenary as my tank because it has flying and heal. Then I have Queen Mycelia for the protect. After that are 3 sneak monsters with Vruz in the middle. In particular, there is Katrelba Gobson with bloodlust and double strike. My last monster is another martyr monster but it also has blind.

Round 1

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At first glance, I think that I do have the advantage despite the taunt monster in my opponent's lineup. My damage should be able to overcome it but I am worried about the magic damage killing off my sneak monsters due to scattershot.

Round 2

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I lost one monster but it was Vruz so it buffed my remaining sneak monsters.

Round 3

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I was able to take out three monsters and my opponent is left with just two monsters left. I don't see myself losing because I have the speed advantage and my tank is still alive with heal.
I ended up winning the match later that turn.


The battle this time around went exactly like I expected. My focus on sneak monsters worked out but I was a bit worried when I saw the heavy magic lineup by my opponent. I was lucky because only my martyr monsters died and it didn't affect my damage output. Otherwise, this match would have been risky. Martyr is such a useful ability and it works even better when combined together with a bloodlust monster. That damage helps the bloodlust monster deal even more damage and increase its stats further. The low mana cost on Vruz just makes it more effective in matches like these.

You can see my entire match here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.


It's always fearful to come against a katrelba that doesn't miss attacks against fly cards. Overall the poison also did its duty. Overall, you were better


Yup. I was a bit worried when I saw all the magic monsters but luck was on my side.
