My Cleaning Activity On 18/1/2024

Good morning friends all over the word and my fellow planet enthusiasts how are you all today.
Hope you all had a great night rest.Is that time that time of the morning once more when we all get up from our lovely beds and get ready for the day.
Well just like every other morning i get up ready to take care of the planet first before anything else.

This morning i cleaned a neighbouring street from my house about 2 blocks away getting there i picked up all the trash avaliable on sight and bagged them up taking them along with me to be disposed in my trash bucket at home.

I came across the weekly contest prompt this morning and i think the topic concerns each and every one of us.
Being disappointed is almost a normality in our current life today as most people dont live up what the say,promises the make and not paying attention to important details.
Disappointment can also come unexpectedly without any major cause or a point finger,not so long about 2 days ago i finally received my vespa which was supposed to arrive sometime last week.
I was so disappointed seeing how long it took the vespa to arrive as the initial date given got my hopes really high and i planned my days including the vespa.
The main cause of the delay in arrival was the trasnport vechile breaking down on its way here and it is a beavy duty vechile needing qualified mechanics to work on it,after a few days of working on the vechile there were still no changes inwhich another transport vechile had to finish off the delivery to me.
Though my plans were scattered i couldn't blame anyone than endure the disappointment and wait for its arrival and so it did 😌.
Disappointment come in various ways we all should learn most importantly how to endure it

This Is How The Cleaning Activity Went





Hello @bummblebee

You have said very good things in your post. Whatever the situation may be, we should not give up at that time, wait, what you have thought will come to you, but if you give it time, everything will be fine. Your Clean Planet work is very good. I always enjoy seeing your posts.

Stay connected with me.


Thanks brother for your words reall mean alot to me
And yours too brother
